Kim Dahl
Machine safety
Tested quality improves safety
Troax machine guarding systems provide safety for persons and machines. This means that it is important that you feel safe in using our products. We test our systems to ensure their functions and to guarantee our internationally known quality. All tested systems, posts and panels are branded with the "Quality Assured" symbol.
Our machine guarding systems are designed and produced in accordance with the requirements of the European Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, the American ANSI/RIA standards and the Canadian CSA standards. Information about the requirements for protective devices for machinery can be found in the document "Extracts from the Machinery Directive". For example, the document states that the protection should, if possible, protect against objects or materials ejected from the machine.
Quality testing
Our own development department is working continuously on optimising products and system solutions. Panels, posts and brackets are tested in accordance with the recommendations regarding impact testing in the revised standard ISO 14120. The tests are conducted by dropping weights on to the protection, weights equivalent to forces of 309 joules all the way up to 2,000 joules. For example, an impact of 1,600 joules is equivalent to 100 kg hitting the protection at 20 km/h.
All systems and panels are tested. The results can be found in our test reports which show the type of panel, post and bracket tested. The product information shows the amount of force that the product has been subjected to and how much energy it can withstand.
ISO standards and norms
Since 2007, Troax has actively participated in several national and international standards committees in order to improve and clarify recommendations in standards and norms. We follow EN and ISO standards to design and construct safe products. You can read more about the standards that apply to machine guarding systems in the document "ISO Standards for machine guarding".
CE marking of machine guarding systems
Machine guarding systems should be CE marked, like the machines themselves. Posts, panels and brackets are considered machine guarding systems when they are assembled around the machine. Only then can the machine guarding system be CE marked, which is usually done during a final inspection on site. We also supply a Declaration of Conformity with our products which can be used as a basis for the CE marking.
In order to CE mark a part of a machine guarding cell, a risk assessment must be conducted. If you intend to conduct the risk assessment yourself (which can be quite complicated) we recommend that you read ISO/TR 14121-2: 2012 Safety of machinery - Risk assessment - Part 2: Practical guidance and examples of methods.
User instructions
Each delivery includes clear user instructions and assembly guidelines which make it easy to assemble our system on site.